Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Toronto

"Liquid rhinoplasty” is an ever-expanding technique for non-surgical rhinoplasty in Toronto, with very impressive results. Ever since dermal fillers have become a mainstream form of cosmetic enhancement, they have also paved the way for non-surgical alternatives to popular cosmetic procedures, including a non surgical nose job. Using neuromodulators (e.g. BOTOX Cosmetic®) and injectable fillers, Dr. Alexander is able to reshape the nose with immediate results, minimal discomfort, and no downtime. Using his mastery of nonsurgical techniques, Dr. Alexander can straighten a crooked nose, augment a flattened bridge, camouflage a dorsal hump or alter the shape and angulation of the nasal tip to provide the most natural, youthful, harmonious appearance to your nose. Even minute changes can bring harmony to your facial features. Unlike many injectors who do not perform rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Alexander can use his extensive expertise as a nasal surgeon to guide you toward the best nonsurgical options for your nose.

Benefits of a non-surgical nose job at a glance:

  • Minimal downtime
  • No incisions
  • No pain or discomfort
  • Safe, proven and effective
  • Cost efficient
  • Lower risk than surgery
  • No general anesthesia
  • Patients can return to work immediately
  • Great alternative to revision rhinoplasty
  • Reversible results
  • Perfect for those unsure about committing to primary rhinoplasty
  • Short treatment time
  • Can improve self-confidence

Am I a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Clients pursue liquid rhinoplasty in Toronto for a variety of reasons. Many are not ready to commit to the invasiveness and recovery time associated with surgery. Others require minor revisions to a previous nose job. Still others are looking for subtle, natural changes that can be accomplished best with dermal fillers. If you are seeking refinement of the bridge, nostrils or tip, or are looking to address nasal asymmetry, a non-surgical rhinoplasty in Toronto might be right for your needs.

By definition, a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure will not be able to remove any tissue or cartilage from your nose. Some people think this excludes them from the procedure because they are dissatisfied with a bump or other protruding imperfection. However, using fillers to add volume in strategic areas can make your nose look more symmetrical and balanced, allowing it to blend in with the rest of your features. Many patients report that the refined look of their nose even helps it appear smaller, even though it isn’t.

Understanding the Procedure

A non-surgical rhinoplasty will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the complexities of the changes required. Topical anesthesia is first applied to eliminate pain and discomfort.

Dr. Alexander works with a variety of dermal fillers, including Voluma and Radiesse to seamlessly improve the nasal shape, reduce sharpness, alter the angle of the tip, achieve better symmetry, and produce more attractive contours. Although no cartilage or bone is manipulated, softening irregularities with filler can actually cause the nose to appear less prominent. Similar to surgical rhinoplasty, Dr. Alexander focuses on small changes that have a large impact to preserve a natural and balanced look.

The dermal fillers Dr. Alexander uses are extremely safe. Voluma’s key ingredient is hyaluronic acid, a compound found naturally in the human body. The filler is slowly broken down by the body’s metabolism over time, leaving no by-products or toxins behind. Radiesse is made of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres in an injectable gel. The filler is broken down and absorbed over time, but your body continues to produce collagen to take its place, allowing you to still enjoy smooth skin even after the filler has broken down. Dermal fillers are completely reversible, and therefore ideal for those who are unsure about permanent nasal surgery.

What Happens After Treatment?

There is very little downtime with the non-surgical rhinoplasty, and most clients find they can return to their jobs or normal routines immediately. Occasionally clients will experience some bruising, swelling, or redness of the nose. These side effects are normal and will resolve within a few days. You will likely see a noticeable difference in the shape of your nose immediately after your procedure, but it can improve slightly as swelling or other side effects subside.

Dr. Alexander suggests that patients abstain from aerobic exercise and weight lifting for at least 24 hours after your liquid nose job. It is also recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol for the same period of time in order facilitate optimal healing. Sunglasses should not be worn for about two weeks to take pressure off the nasal bridge as it recuperates. Avoid massaging or rubbing the treated area at first, as the fillers can get displaced while they are still settling into position. Soon the fillers will settle into position and you will be able to resume all activities. Patients should avoid taking any blood thinners such as aspirin, Advil, Motrin or Aleve, for 5 days before and 5 days after treatment. Like any medical procedure, there are risks with injectable rhinoplasty, and Dr. Alexander will review these with you in detail during your consultation.

Results for the Toronto non-surgical nose job typically last anywhere from 9 months to two years, depending on the type of dermal fillers used by the doctor. You are encouraged to attend follow up appointments so Dr. Alexander can monitor your results over time. It is easy to repeat the non-surgical rhinoplasty process if touch-ups are required. Since the fillers break down over time, you can have the same treatment again without layering the filler and creating an unnatural look. Alternatively, some patients are so pleased with their non-surgical nose job that they opt for a surgical rhinoplasty procedure to achieve longer lasting results.

How Can I Learn More?

If you are considering a non-surgical rhinoplasty in Toronto, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Alexander today to get started. Your initial confidential consultation is a great time for you to ask questions, and have your concerns addressed in detail. The doctor will examine your nose, enquire about previous surgeries, review your medical history, and create your own individualized treatment plan that addresses your concerns. Dr. Alexander is a highly respected Toronto plastic surgeon with a deep understanding of the facial structure. He has had immense training and experience with facial plastic surgery, which influences his meticulous approach to non-surgical procedures.

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