Ear Surgery Toronto

Contrary to popular belief, the ears (or pinnae) have very little to do with hearing. For all intents and purposes, they are primarily an aesthetic structure, useful for holding earrings and spectacles. When the ears are aesthetically unpleasing, it can be a result of genetics (appeared this way since birth), injury or aging.

Outstanding ears (prominauris)

For patients who have prominent, outstanding ears, life can be tough. The playground can be a cruel place, and children with this affliction can be the target of verbal abuse at the hands of schoolyard bullies. In children, surgery is typically performed at 5-6 years of age. Adults can also be affected by outstanding ears, and can undergo the same corrective procedure.

Otoplasty is the technique used to “pin” the ears back to a natural position and restore proper structure and shape to the ears. The old carpentry adage “measure twice, cut once” applies here, as the otoplasty procedure hinges heavily on accurate measurement, and achieving symmetry between the two sides.

With his mathematical engineering mind, Dr. Alexander is a natural at seeing what steps need to be taken to achieve the best result. In children, the procedure is performed under general anesthetic, whereas adults can tolerate otoplasty with local anesthesia and mild sedation alone. Delivering some of the best ear surgery Toronto has to offer, the results are immediate, and very satisfying.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Ear Surgery?

Otoplasty, also called ear surgery, is often performed on children and teenagers to correct protruding ears. Among teenagers and adults, a good candidate for otoplasty should be a non-smoker in good general health. Among children, a good candidate for ear surgery would be a child who is:

  • 5 years of age or older
  • Not suffering with chronic ear infections
  • In good general health

Earlobe repair or reduction is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures. A good candidate for this procedure may be someone with:

  • Congenital deformities (overly large or deformed earlobes)
  • Stretched out earlobes from wearing heavy pierced earrings
  • Earlobes that sag from the effects of aging
  • Earlobes with holes that have been intentionally stretched and enlarged through gauging
  • Torn or injured earlobes

How Is Ear Surgery Performed?

Ear surgery in Toronto may be performed using several different techniques, depending on the cosmetic goals of the surgery. Dr. Ashlin Alexander skillfully performs otoplasty to correct protruding or misshapen ears as well as earlobe repair to correct ripped, stretched, drooping, or overly large earlobes.

The Otoplasty Procedure

Otoplasty may be performed under general anesthesia for children and under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation for adults. Incisions are typically made on the back surface of the ear, or hidden within the folds of the ear if they are necessary on the front surface. Surgical techniques are used to:

  • Create or increase the fold just inside the rim of the ear (antihelical fold); and
  • Reduce the largest, deepest concavity of the outer ear (conchal cartilage).

Non-removable internal sutures are used to secure newly shaped cartilage in place. In some cases, Dr. Alexander can perform an otoplasty procedure using sutures alone.

Earlobe Repair or Reduction Procedure

Earlobe repair or reduction is performed on an outpatient basis. Dr. Alexander injects local anesthetic into the earlobe to numb it. He may use any of a variety of surgical techniques to repair damaged tissue or reduce and reshape stretched or elongated earlobes. This popular cosmetic procedure typically takes less than half an hour to perform, and patients usually drive themselves home afterwards.

What Is Recovery Like after Ear Surgery?

After otoplasty, you can expect a recovery period before your bandages are removed and you new, more attractive ears are revealed. Dr. Alexander will prescribe medication to control any pain and discomfort you may experience after the procedure. Post-surgical bruising and swelling will subside over time.

During your recovery after otoplasty, it is important to:

  • Avoid rigorous activity and any activity that could impact the ears until they are healed
  • Keep the head elevated with several comfortable pillows while resting or sleeping
  • Avoid extreme heat – do not use a blow dryer
  • Avoid sleeping on your side

With earlobe reduction or repair, there is virtually no downtime. Many patients return to their normal activities almost immediately after the procedure. Any minor pain and discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter medications and should subside within a few days.

Ear Keloids

In the head and neck, the ear is a common place for keloid (excess scar tissue) development, secondary to a piercing or other trauma; and this can be disturbing for patients as it generates plenty of unwanted attention. Dr. Alexander has many surgical and non-surgical techniques to remove this scar tissue and prevent it from recurring, while restoring the ear to a normal appearance.

Torn earlobe repair and earlobe reductions

Earlobes can undergo various changes over time, whether due to elongation and volume loss with aging, stretching from large and heavy earrings or traumatic tearing of a pierced ear. Dr. Alexander is an expert at various surgical techniques to restore natural shape, contour and youthfulness to the damaged earlobe. These are typically outpatient procedures performed under local anesthesia with virtually no downtime, and immediate results. So try our ear surgery in Toronto.

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