Cheek Contouring Toronto

We all know the value of strong cheekbones and adequate midface volume in achieving facial beauty. Aestheticians are masters at utilizing makeup to create the illusion of definition and contour. With current advances in facial plastic surgery, we can enhance the midface to the same effect, while providing lasting, natural results.

Cheek enhancement

High, well-defined cheekbones are a universal sign of beauty, but not everyone is born with these assets. Even if nature was kind to begin with, the cheeks may begin to sag as fat volume, collagen, and muscle tone diminish with aging. Dr. Ashlin Alexander performs cheek contouring in Toronto to sculpt the cheeks and enhance the midface with beautiful, natural-looking, long-lasting results.

During the aging process, cheek volume deflates and tissues descend, converting an aesthetically pleasing facial shape into a more boxy appearance. A number of procedures exist to reinstate the youthful midface.

Non-surgical enhancement is the mainstay of treating the midface today. Dr. Alexander will analyse your entire face as a whole, and detail a careful plan for how to augment your cheeks, and provide a natural and aesthetically pleasing result using the most advanced techniques in injectable fillers.

As a Facial Plastic Surgeon who worked at one of the premiere plastic surgery offices on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Dr. Alexander is also well versed in the many surgical techniques available for the cheeks. Whether employing minimally invasive midface lift techniques or performing a limited facelift to reinstate fallen cheek tissues, Dr. Alexander has the expertise to help you decide which is the best approach for you.

To restore overall facial volume, Dr. Alexander will also transplant stem cells containing fat cells from your own body into your face, using a very delicate and precise micro-technique, to restore lost facial volume.

Candidates for Cheek Contouring

Ideal candidates for cheek contouring will meet the following criteria:

  • Being of sound body and mind
  • Being at a healthy, sustainable weight
  • Struggling with a rounder, fuller face shape
  • Being unhappy with fullness in the face
  • Struggling with pseudoherniation (a small mass of fat in the cheek region caused by a weak buccal fat pad)
  • Being interested in facial feminization surgery
  • Having realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure
  • Being a non-smoker

How Is Cheek Contouring Performed?

After a one-on-one consultation and careful evaluation of your facial anatomy, Dr. Alexander will individually tailor a midface treatment plan for you using one or a combination of cheek contouring techniques, including:

What is Buccal Fat Removal?

Fat tissues that are stored in the lower part of the cheeks are referred to as buccal fat. Though they are a natural part of the body, having overly large buccal fat deposits in the hollows of the cheeks creates a displeasing look (chubby cheeks). While most patients will naturally lose their buccal fat pads as they get older, some end up retaining them well into adulthood. Unwanted buccal fat can also negatively impact the contours of one’s jawline and makes their nasolabial folds (the lines that span from the nose to the mouth corners) appear more prominent.

Buccal fat removal, otherwise known as cheek reduction, is a surgical procedure that is designed to remove the excess buccal fat pad. By extracting these excess fat tissues, the cheekbones, and contours of the facial features are highlighted, giving the patient a sharp and better-defined aesthetic. The procedure also gives patients a sharper and more contoured jawline that most people find highly attractive. Buccal fat removal is performed on an outpatient basis and usually takes only an hour to complete. There are no significant side effects or lengthy downtime associated with this procedure.

Methods of Cheek Contouring

Cheek Contouring (Buccal Fat Reduction)

For some, the cheeks have too much volume. Instead of an elegant, shapely midface, the cheeks look full, and the face looks heavy and boxy. In these instances, buccal fat reduction or buccal fat removal in Toronto—a surgical procedure involving removal of cheek fat through the inside of the mouth—can be used to give increased definition to this region. Dr. Alexander will often couple this procedure with the judicious usage of Botox™ along the jawline to enhance facial shape and contour.

Ideally, the cheek area should be contoured, accenting the cheekbones. Too much fat in cheeks can camouflage bone structure and affect the shape of the face. Unfortunately, excess fat around the cheeks is often hereditary and does not improve with weight loss.

Dr. Alexander makes an incision between the cheek and the gums, removes the excess fat, and closes the incision. This technique produces thinner, better defined cheeks.

Patients usually experience some swelling and difficulty chewing for a few days to a week after this procedure. Most patients can return to work in approximately one week after buccal fat reduction.

Dermal Fillers for Cheek Contouring

Non-surgical enhancements are among the most popular options for treating the midface today. When injected with artistry and skill by a skilled professional, advanced dermal fillers such as Restylane® Lyft and Juvéderm Voluma® XC can be used effectively to add volume to the cheeks for a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing appearance.

This non-surgical treatment is performed in our office using FDA-approved products made with naturally occurring substances such as hyaluronic acid. Dr. Alexander injects dermal fillers using very fine needles in targeted areas, for example:

  • In the soft tissue of the cheeks to lift the area and correct a sunken appearance
  • Above the cheekbones to create a more chiseled look

There is no downtime with this procedure. You can resume normal activities immediately after treatment. Cheek contouring results with some dermal fillers may last up to 2 years.

Surgical Techniques to Lift and Augment the Cheeks

Dr. Ashlin Alexander is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience and knowledge of surgical techniques for the cheeks. Surgical treatment options include:

  • Limited facelift to lift fallen cheek tissues
  • Minimally-invasive midface lift

Surgical cheek contouring procedures are performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. If Dr. Alexander determines that surgery is appropriate for you, he will explain the procedure and what you can expect in terms of recovery time and visible results.

Natural Fat Transfer for Cheek Enhancement

Fat transfer using your body’s own stem cell-containing fat is an excellent option for cheek augmentation. Natural fat transfer produces soft, natural, long-lasting results. Stem cells have the ability to change into other cell types to replace damaged or aging cells. Natural fat containing a concentration of stem cells not only adds volume but also stimulates growth and helps repair damaged skin.

This minimally-invasive treatment is performed under general anesthesia or with local anesthetic and sedation in three parts:

  • Step 1: The fat is harvested using gentle liposuction from a donor area such as the belly or thighs.
  • Step 2: The fat is purified in a centrifuge.
  • Step 3: Dr. Alexander injects the purified fat into targeted areas to sculpt and augment the midface.

After transfer, a majority of the fat cells survive and continue to function in their new location. Fat grafting provides smooth, natural results that last longer than dermal fillers. Downtime is minimal after a fat transfer cheek contouring procedure.

Benefits of Cheek Contouring

Well-defined cheeks are an important part of an attractive facial appearance. When performed with precision and skill, cheek contouring in Toronto can:

  • Lift sagging cheeks
  • Restore a youthful triangle shape
  • Correct “chipmunk cheeks”
  • Add volume and definition to the cheeks
  • Create a more balanced facial appearance
  • Rejuvenate the midface

How Do You Know Which Cheek Contouring Options Are Right for You?

As a respected cosmetic surgeon with extensive training and experience who focuses his practice on the face, Dr. Ashlin Alexander is well-versed in a variety of surgical and non-surgical cheek contouring techniques. The right treatment options for you will depend on a number of factors, including your:

  • Age
  • Skin quality
  • Anatomy
  • Personal preferences
  • Treatment goals

Dr. Alexander is happy to meet with you to discuss your treatment options. He will listen carefully, analyze your facial structure, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan after considering all factors.

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